Thursday, July 2, 2015

She Blinded Me With Science

Why hello again! I have to say...the last 36-ish hours have been jam-packed full of more new experiences than one could count. Randy and I spend all of yesterday morning hanging out with Jon. After lunch, we had to drop Randy off at the bus stop. It was time for him to go back home, but we are going to stay in touch from here on out. Who knew when I came into existence four days ago that I would have been through so much in such a short amount of time! I went to work with Jon again, but this time I decided to just hang out in the back room. My public coffee slinging days are over - I needed to figure out another career possibility.

I like sports!
At this point, Jon told me that the girl was coming to pick me up. I was going to actually spend the night at her apartment and would shadow her at work the next day. This sounded like a fantastic idea to me because I knew her job is so different from Jon's! I honestly didn't know HOW much, though...

The girl is a scientist. Specifically, she is a chemist and works in a lab. I had zero clue what I would be in for...but I shouldn't jump ahead! We'll get there soon enough.

 Spending the night at the girl's apartment was a great deal of fun! Once we got back, there was another World Cup soccer match on. The girl was much more subdued this time - presumably because the US wasn't playing this time. It was still a fantastic time watching and we totally bonded! The match ended in heartbreaking fashion for England and I learned how much of an emotional roller coaster sports watching could actually be.

I'm ready for camping now
Bedtime Stories are the BEST
Now it was time for bed - I was in a sleeping bag on the floor next to her bed and it was surprisingly more comfortable than I had expected! It wasn't as comfy as the bed that I've been privileged to occupy for the last few nights but so what? I was having a grand old time and was proud of it! The girl even tucked me in and read some bedtime stories. She started with Paradise Lost but that was a bit to heavy for me. She switched to Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy and now I feel like I always need to carry a towel...and I really related to the poor Sperm Whale and the flower pot!!

This morning, we headed to the laboratory. I figured there would be a lot of cool stuff happening but was completely overwhelmed! First of all, everything was bigger than me. I kept getting lost and left behind in places. The girl had to be super precise with everything and there was SO MUCH paperwork! She also had to deal with a lot of numbers - so many, that it would probably be an accountant's dream if they had any semblance of a clue what those numbers meant. I loved my day at the lab but I'm totally NOT a science cup! I had to have two Lysol wipe baths just to make sure I got all the weird science germs off myself.

 Wearing gloves is important - and I clearly can't do that (as seen above)! I also got lost in a forest of graduated cylinders and forgotten in a cabinet! It's also terrifying how many biohazard and flammable signs are around that place. There are also a lot of instruments that make loud sounds. The girl assured me that it all seemed a lot more complicated than it actually was. Honestly, I don't believe her! As for me, I have no idea what I'm going to do for a career at this point. What can a little styrofoam cup actually do in this world? I thought I might be able to find something quickly, but it seems that more experimentation and introspection is required. And so...the journey continues!

I got left in the walk-in freezer. I mean, come on...

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