Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Soccer, Starbucks, and Surprises

WELL. Today has been an incredible day! It was full of lessons and intriguing surprises. I suppose I should mention what happened yesterday first, though...I neglected to tell that part of the story in my post last night. 

I woke up in a bed that was 50 times my size to the smell of coffee. I have also learned that I love coffee. I love everything about it! The smell, the taste, the feeling like the air around me was buzzing...it was all amazing. It was such a nice, quiet morning sitting around Original Ian and Jon's apartment and I spent the rest of the day contemplating what kind of job I might like. Jon suggested that, since I seemed to enjoy coffee so much, I should shadow him at Starbucks the next day. I decided that was a lovely idea and would gladly accompany him! I was so excited to learn more about this magical drink that made me feel like I was flying! Jon and I hung out a bit and watched some television - also a new experience. That is an addictive little hobby! Eventually, we decided that sleep was necessary. Jon knew it would be a hard day for me so he tucked me back into my bed and I fell asleep within minutes. I'm going to have a really hard time giving up this cozy bed, I won't lie!

This morning was a super early morning. Apparently this kind of thing is normal. Who does that, though? If that's what it means to have a job then I may need to reconsider this position. I was a mix of equal parts excitement, nervous, and trepidation. It turned out to be a whirlwind of a day...and I don't love coffee as much as I did 10 hours previously. It became clear that my diminutive size is a major disadvantage to making other people's coffee! I do NOT think I shall be pursuing a career as a Starbucks barista any time soon!

One crazy thing did happen as a result of my limited experience of public coffee slinging - I met my distant relative, Randy!!! He is a wonderful little Starbucks cup that has the same aspirations as I do. We teamed up today and managed to make one successful frappuccino for a nice lady when a group of middle school girls walked in and ordered a dozen of them. 

I. Hate. Frappuccinos. They can die a horrible, fiery death and I wouldn't care. At all.

Long story short, I nearly ended up in a blender while trying to make this massive frapp order. Jon saved me before the blender was turned on. After going through THAT near-death experience, it was time to go home. Jon was gracious enough to let Randy hang out so that he and I could trade life stories. I'll go into detail about Randy's background in another blog post - there is SO much. Needless to say, I had a wonderful afternoon learning about part of my family!

That's when Jon suggested that we all go meet up with the girl and her friend to watch the Women's World Cup Semifinal against Germany. I asked what that meant and he responded that it was this game called soccer. He explained the basics of the game and we decided that it sounded like great fun! So off we go, once again...

The girl was decked out in red, white, and blue. It's a thing to support a national team by making yourself as ridiculous as possible, it would seem - she was not alone! Randy happens to be quite the fan of soccer so he was engrossed in the match from the start. Everyone was patient with me as I tried to catch on to how the whole thing worked. There was chanting, gasping, yelling, and a LOT of loud cheering...I've never seen anything like it! I really could get into this sports thing. The camaraderie is unlike anything this world has shown me so far. I ended up getting swept up in the emotion of it all and it was fantastic! The girl scared me with her intensity but I was assured that was normal and I would get used to it. We'll see. The home team won so the place went crazy...and that means they get to play one more game to win the whole thing. I don't know if my heart can take it! I may need to cut back on the amount of coffee I drink that day if I end up watching that match.

There are so many other things that I want to say, but I'm so tired that I've nearly fallen asleep numerous times while typing all of this! Hopefully, I can go into more detail about everything tomorrow. Until then, have a wonderful night and GO TEAM USA!


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